Trata-se de um desenho de uma pessoa fantástica, muito gira, extremamente atraente e com elevados graus de personalidade jurídica! De quem estamos a falar, de quem? EU!!!
Obrigado, Obrigado!
When you are the Moon...
"The only problem when you are the moon, like me, Is you have such a chalky white face it makes your teeth look yellow. And I went to the dentist and he go 'Eugh! Your teeth are all yellow' and I said Noooo! Only when you compare them to my chalky white face, if I had skin like yours they would not look yellow!!! I had 15 fillings and he go 'That'll be £500' and i go 'I don't pay for nothing! I am The MOON!' And I went off. Back up. And he could not stop me. And every now and then, I get letter that say you still owe the money. I say I might pay it. I Might Not. I am the Moon I don't pay Fucking Dental Fees!!!"
"When you are the moon, there is a person people say is the sun. I saw the sun once, and he came past me, really fast. And it was an... it was called, the... an eclipse. And he came fast! But as he came past, I, I licked his back. And he doesn't know I licked his back! All in his yellow suit! ...I'm the moon."
"I'm the MOOOON! He's so bright and milky whiiite... shining down upooon the ground! he's so bright, milky white, shinging down upon the grouuuund. everybody look at the moon! EVERYBODY seeee the moon... the moon is white, milky whiiite... everybody look at the moon OH!"
"When your the moon, you dont have any mirrors so when you want to see yourself you have to look in a river…. i looked in a river and seen i a smooooothh white face of the moon and i realised 'I DONT HAVE ANY EYEBROWS !' but i think that gives my look more of an edge"
"One day, i saw a man look at me, yes, with his eyes, and then he picked up a tube and made the moon big inside the tube!! The moon big inside a tube! aha....oh... telescope..."
"When you are the moon, the best form you can be is a full moon. And then the half moon... he's all right. But the full moon is the famous moon. And then three-quarters, eh, no one gives a shit about him. When does he come, two days in, to the calendar month? He's useless. Full moon. The moon. The main moon."
Mighty boosh